Sunday, February 15, 2015

Danger, Danger! He possesses a little information.

Some people say that there is nobody so stupid as someone who thinks they're smart.  I would also add that there is nobody so uninformed, as someone with a little information.  Unfortunately, in our society where information is so readily available, we often find ourselves pontificating about things that may very well be either blatantly untrue, or that is dubious to say the least.
Case in Point: Although I haven't blogged about "Facebook", (I'm sure I will at some point) it's such a commonly shared experience by now, that I'm not sure if there's anything left to say about it that hasn't already been said.  However, if I may, a couple of years ago, I found myself reacting to a lot of the more political posts that were appearing with great regularity on "Facebook".  Some of it consisted of people's opinions, while some of it was re-posted from other political websites, both conservative and liberal.  Other postings dealt with current events that some viewed as controversial.  Eventually, two things occurred to me that have for the most part caused me to cease involving myself in these "debates".  Firstly, I started feeling a little guilty.  The way I saw it,  somebody had taken the time to reach out to me after 20 or 30 years without seeing me, and within a few weeks, we're arguing about whether Obama is a good President or not.  That began to strike me as a colossal waste of time.  Secondly, I found myself in rather nasty and heated arguments with friends of these "virtual" friends  who I didn't even know.  These strangers seemed to have no problem in telling me what a complete coward I was in not thinking that everybody should have unlimited access to assault rifles after the Sandy Hook massacre, or that I was anti-police when I questioned some of the high-profile deaths that have occurred in the news recently.
I eventually found the taunting I received on "Facebook" to be unbearable. Especially when I was accused of being a "wiper of other people's bottoms." (You Tube)
There is one posting however that I have come across on "Facebook" that for some reason (which I hope to explain) gets under my skin to the point that I feel compelled to respond to it.  It's a posting that includes the "Pledge of allegiance".  Underneath the Pledge  it states that as a child, the said supporter of the Pledge used to say it in school everyday.  But, according to the posting by "",  out of fear of offending somebody, it's no longer said.  Perhaps I'm wrong, and I'd be interested to hear what others think about this, but I have taken this to mean that it's no longer said in school, or at school functions.  After-all, how many places, times, and activities that you find yourself involved in on a daily basis, do you find yourself pausing to say the Pledge?
  • "I'm going to sign a lease agreement for this car, but first, the Pledge."
  • "Before we sit down to play "Yahtzee", we have to first say, the Pledge."
  • Before this "Lady Gaga" concert begins, let us all rise and say, the Pledge."
I feel this is a classic example of an "urban myth" that has been used to draw a wedge between liberals and conservatives, and to the best of my knowledge, it is an out-and-out lie.  I have been a public school teacher for 25 years.  That includes four years in ultra-liberal New York City, two years in fairly conservative Schalmont, and 21 years in fairly liberal Rensselaer.  (I know I suck at math, but I'm not a complete baffoon, the reason it doesn't add up is that there was some overlap in my time spent at Schalmont and Rensselaer)  Not once, NOT ONE TIME, have I ever seen a student who wanted to say the Pledge, become "shamed" into not saying it.  Not once!   Please keep in mind, besides homeroom, I have seen and participated in the Pledge being said at concerts, assemblies, sporting events etc..In fact, I bet I'm in the top 100 all time, of people who have said the Pledge between my time as a student, parent, and teacher.
Not even Halloween can get in the way of a good Pledge! (Getty Images)
This isn't to say that there aren't challenges involved in the saying of the Pledge.  The fact is, the real challenge for myself and all homeroom teachers in the majority of schools, is to get the kids to at least stand for the Pledge.  Students complain that they are tired, or they forgot.  I've even had students claim that they don't have to stand due to their religious beliefs.  The argument I use on them is the one related to saying grace.  What I tell them is that even though you and your family don't typically say grace before a meal, when you're eating at somebody's house who does, you don't dive in and take the good pieces of chicken while they give thanks to their lord.  You wait silently, patiently, and maybe out of the corner of your eye, you start planning your frontal assault on the juicier pieces of chicken.  But you show respect.  The Pledge may not mean something to everybody, but as long as it means something to somebody, you stand out of respect.  That usually settles the religious question.
Apparently in the 1930s, there was something called the "Palms up" version that became used when saying "The Pledge". It looks a little too much know. (You Tube)
A more significant issue regarding the Pledge, is that it has been so "over-memorized", that most kids don't even really know the words.  For most students, the words of the Pledge become more like sounds they've been trained to make from rote memory.  On one of the first days of school, I have my 11th grade U.S. History classes write out the Pledge from memory without saying it out loud.  I won't even let them mouth the words.  You would be surprised (or perhaps not) how many have trouble writing down the words accurately.  After they write it out, we take the next big step in seeing if they actually know what the words mean.  Most do not.  So I then proceed to break down every word in the Pledge for them.  The Pledge is in reality, a student's first social studies lesson.  It is a lesson in citizenship.  A student at a very young age makes a "pledge of allegiance", a promise of loyalty, to the flag, a symbol of our nation, and to the republic, our form of government.  They learn that we are one nation, under an all-powerful creator with the promise of freedom and equality under the law...for all citizens.  Most students are amused as they ponder the fact that they've been "coerced" as a kindergartener to take this "loyalty oath".  Most seem to like the idea that at least they know what they've been saying for the past twelve years.
"Welcome children, welcome to your first social studies lesson!" (Getty Images)
I guess the other thing that irks me in regards to the "nobody's allowed" to say the Pledge post is that it makes me wonder how many of these concerned citizens were jumping out of their seats in homeroom when they were in school to say the Pledge with vim and vigor?  I honstly don't remember too many of my classmates swelling up with pride over the Pledge.  I can remember many a year in homeroom, watching lethargic students having to be nagged everyday to get up and say the Pledge.  Mr. Pello, my 8th grade health and homeroom teacher would say the same thing every morning back at Packard Middle School.  Mr. Charlie Myers would start the announcements with a hearty "Good Morning" to the students, and Mr. Pello, with his massive forearms would look at us and say in his deep monotone, "Up, up...everybody up!"  Hardly a tear inducing show of patriotism to be sure.
Full disclosure, I am as guilty as anybody when it comes to running with a little information.  A few months ago, I discovered what I believed to be a ridiculous quote from noted "states-woman" and reality television star Sarah Palin.  I posted what I thought was a legitimate article on her where she claimed that Jesus celebrated Easter while he was on earth.  I posted it on Facebook, all proud of myself.  My friend Scott D. did a little research and pointed out that it was a joke, (He even admitted it was a funny one) in the satirical online magazine known as "The Onion".  I felt foolish.  I had run with a little information because it was something I wanted to believe.  Scott also chastised me for going after Palin as she is,  "low hanging fruit".  I thought about what he said, and I eventually came to believe that he was right.  We shouldn't be so quick to pass on "fast-food" information just because it plays to our prejudices.
Forgive me "Mamma Grizzly", I shan't give in to weakness again. (Times Union)
The Internet,  (like the Wizard of Oz) is a great and terrible thing.  I was once trying to look up something regarding Rosa Parks, and I ended up on a White supremacist website.  Apparently they don't see Ms. Parks to have been the hero that many Americans believe her to be.    Like the "Wizard", the Internet has a lot of "bells and whistles", but when you pull back the curtain, it may not be everything you were led to believe.  The lesson here is, when one is looking up information on the Internet, the  best or most accurate information isn't always the most convenient or easiest to find.   Going with the most available information however does make it easier to jump to conclusions, such as:
  • All Teachers are lazy and incompetent, even though some districts have over  70% of their students on free and reduced lunch due to poverty, their students should do just as well as those students who live in affluent suburbs  on standardized tests.  (At least according to Mr. Public Education...Andrew Cuomo)
  • Most violent crimes are interracial (Fact, the vast majority of  violent crimes are black on black or white on white)
  • More people die from cancer than heart disease.  (Nope, heart disease is still the number one killer)
  • Most politicians are crooked and uninformed. (Wait, that one is probably true)
So beware the Facebook "Post".  It is not a trustworthy source of information.  If you want to know the facts, keep reading my blog!  Actually, what we really need is a "Town Crier".  Those guys were spot on in their reporting.  How else could the good people of Salem, Massachusetts know who to burn at the stake?
Call me crazy, but I trust this guy. (You Tube)

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